How to search in skype chat
How to search in skype chat

how to search in skype chat

Select the required message and its context menu.The following options are available in the context menu:.The date and the time when the message was sent.In the case when the latter one is also not provided ‘Skype name’ is used. If it’s unavailable the ‘Contact name’ is displayed. The Chat History Window is configured to show ‘Display name’ first. “Contact name” the account name indicated in the profile.“Display name” the Skype account name given by the user.There could be three variants of how the contact name is displayed: The contacts that participated in the chat are provided in the brackets. The messages in the chat are grouped by time (from older to newer ones). Every chat is separated and isolated in its own block. The Chat History Window contains all the chat messages. The total length of the text to be shown up as the bookmark is 50 characters max. The title of the bookmark is made up by the contact’s name and the first couple of words from the message string. All the bookmarks are stored in the appropriate history window. A free version doesn’t support bookmarking.The messages are marked with the help of Add bookmark option. This option is enabled only for the commercial version of SkyHistory. This section is used to store messages that have been bookmarked.

How to search in skype chat